Although presented in Spanish, the Policy Brief provides a methodological guide of how to generate social and economic models for a greater adaptation to the effects of climate change in coastal areas by integrating the experiences gathered in the four pilot sites of the Waterclima LAC project.

The key recommendations following the study was to:

  • It is necessary to previously identify the key actors and a coordinator in the area who can direct the necessary work from the field.
  • To apply an integrating vision since social and economic aspects are transversal in the management, involving exhaustive analysis of the academic and non-academic information sources.
  • It is necessary to generate information flows through mobilising the community to the central government and vice versa.
  • In the process of generating the model, it is necessary to identify challenges, prioritize them and to define them through participatory approaches.
  • A simplified co-explanation of the future social and economic models to each case study will help the affected community to combat the impacts of climate change.
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