WE&B is a specialised environmental consulting company.

By way of a cross-disciplinary focus, WE&B integrates social and business systems to solve complex environmental problems. WE&B’s unique contribution lies in its ability to engage all relevant stakeholders from communities (bottom-up approach) to policy makers in jointly addressing the complexity of environmental issues and offering specific and professional solutions.

The dynamic expert team at WE&B participates in research projects to remain at the cutting edge of innovation. WE&B possesses the skill and expertise to adapt and enhance these innovations to bring them to full practical implementation.

WE&Bs insights are developed within the focus areas of:

  • Water Management
  • Climate Change
  • Green Growth
  • Circular Economy

WE&B: local impact, global change

WE&B has brought environmental vision and insights to social and business innovation through research projects in different sectors such as agriculture, housing and construction, industry, and in different geographical settings, covering cities, rural areas, and coastal environments.

WE&B’s services have provided the evidence to understand business systems and social structures that have improved the capacity development between organisations. WE&B’s results have provided improved livelihoods, positive impacts on communities, enhanced abilities for organisations to work together and improved the methodologies to co-create new opportunities. WE&B’s working method involves the continuous search for new knowledge to advance research in social and business analysis.

Our services have been provided to a variety of public and private clients covering broad geographical areas.  Some of our clients include:

Social and Business Innovation

Our services in Social and Business Innovation provides approaches, methodologies insights and results through the following services:

Social Innovation Services

WE&B defines Social Innovation as

Social Innovation finds new approaches to meet social needs and to produce the behavioural changes required to solve environmental challenges. With social innovation, at WE&B, we aim to empower citizens and generate new social relations, generate impact and new models of collaboration.

Service 1: Socio-Environmental Contextual Analysis

Socio-environmental analysis models for the analysis of attitudes, opinions or behaviour in relation to specific environmental challenges

Service 2: Social Network Analysis

Improved knowledge regarding social structures for specific environmental problems using stakeholder and social network analysis.

Service 3: Environmental Systemic Monitoring and Evaluation

Evaluation and assessment of the progress in relation to a particular environmental and social challenges through bespoke human and environment system indicators. 

Service 4: Effective Engagement

Engaged and committed communities prepared to solve together environmental concerns through co-creation and effective engagement (using Communities of Practice, Competency Groups, Action Groups, etc.)

Service 5: Knowledge Exchange

A well-informed society regarding environmental science and evidence by implementing effective communication strategies and plans.

Service 6: Governance and Policy Analysis

Improved decision-making based on governance analysis providing recommendations for policy improvement.

Business Innovation Services

WE&B defines Business Innovation as

“The process of creating, adapting or translating an idea, technology, tool, model or methodology into a good or service that creates economic value and for which customers are willing to pay.

Service 1: Innovative Business Models

A structured process of reviewing the product, process, technology, tool, model or methodology to propose the most appropriate business model.

Service 2: Circular Economy

A full diagnosis of a product, industry, sector or economy with insights, action plans and recommendations to bring it in line with circular economy principles.

Service 3: Green Growth

Providing recommendations for Green Growth opportunities that can drive economies towards sustainability.

Service 4: Nature's Contribution to People (NCP)

Systemic approach to evaluating the relationships between the human and natural systems.

Latest news

The power of the Union

WE&B is contracted to the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) in the new project «Report on green, circular economy at Mediterranean level»  Striving for Social and Economic Impact drives WE&B.  This idea is clear and prevailing in the new WE&B project that kicked off in January where our environmental consultancy services will be provided to […]

The Human Dimension of Sustainability

Did you know thatsustainability has a human dimension? (Vallance et al 2011) This is what we call “social sustainability”,whichisabout identifying and managingthebusiness impacts, both positive and negative,on people (United Nations GlobalCompact). In nature, everything is connected and, if we want to pursuesustainable development, wehave to do it through a holistic approach. This means that we [...]

Our Vision

To drive the development towards a better connected and prepared society and economy to face the future environmental challenges.

Our Mission Statement

To provide high quality rigorous insights based on economic, social, political and environmental science, to solve global complex environmental challenges.

Our Resources

WE&B has a core team of specialists as well as a network of local experts located throughout the world with extensive field experience in each of our work areas. This network of experts ensures that WE&B is flexible to tackle any project and allows for local knowledge and experience to be used, to guarantee excellence in project implementation.

Our Network

WE&B are members of Water Europe, founding members of the Water Europe working group on “Water Beyond Europe” and Administrators of the Network for Water in European Cities and Regions (NetwercH20). In 2018 WE&B were invited to join the “Valles Circular” programme to provide analysis and advice on circular initiatives in Catalonia, Spain.

WE&B are also members of the International Water Association and more specifically as active members of the specialist group Ecosystem Services. In addition, WE&B is part of the business networks: The Practitioner Hub for Inclusive Business and Global Network on Sustainable Lifestyles.

In 2018 WE&B were accredited by the Spanish government as an “Innovative SME” for our work in social and economic innovation and circular economy. In 2021 WE&B was accepted as a member of Cercle d’Economia