On the 11th and 12thApril 2019, the HOUSEFUL project held its 12-month progress meeting with the entire consortium of project partners. The attendees were: LEITAT (as project coordinator), WE&B ITEC, CARTIF, AIGUASOL, SCCL LGI, Turntoo, Housing Europe, ICONS and ALCN.
On the first day of the two day meeting, the project partners had the opportunity to see in situ how the concept of circular economy will be applied in the “front running buildings” 1 and 2 of the project that are located in Catalonia.
The consortium then held presentations at the Institute of Construction Technology of Catalonia (ITeC), where each Work Package presented and explained the results obtained so far and the next steps to follow that are directly related to the progress of the project objectives in general. In this sense, WE&B presented our results up to this point where we explained the sociopolitical study of the “front-running buildings 1, 2, 3 and 4” and the consequent analysis of stakeholders that has been undertaken through a survey that was launched to direct project partners and their wider networks in order to establish a network map of the stakeholders and to know who has the influence, power and interest in the project . An exhausted analysis of the results obtained in the surveys was also done to gain a first understanding of the behavior patterns of the stakeholders, what motivates them to participate and their acceptance profiles for circular solutions in the building sector, as well as obtaining a list of those actors that would like to continue being engaged in the project..
The meeting was extended to the following day, April 12, where a discussion group session was held. The project partners were divided into 10 groups to discuss the 11 different solutions of the Houseful project. From the session held, it was expected that each round table would complete the description of each service, defining the key advantages, the potential buyers and their needs of each service. It also focused on detecting the main competitors and to see if there was any other relevant point that had not been taken into account based on a general consensus.
Finally, the last two Work Packages that had not yet presented their results and their next steps had the opportunity to do so and the session concluded with a presentation of the ethical issues that must be followed to ensure that the project and its partners use data and personally information responsibly and in an ethical manner.