Africa-EU Innovation Alliance for Water and Climate (AfriAlliance)
European Commission (H2020)Dates
Start DateMarch, 2016
Finish DateMarch, 2021
europe, africa
3.238.735,00€ (3.724.545,25$USD)
Value of the services provided by WE&B
600.000 $USD
Project logo
Project website
- stakeholder engagement
- stakeholder mapping / sna
- cops / living labs
- business plans
- factsheets
- policy briefs
- webinar / training
The main objective of AfriAlliance is for African and European stakeholders to work together in the areas of water innovation, research, policy, and capacity development to prepare Africa for future Climate Change challenges. The Africa-EU cooperation in this field was taken to practical level by sharing (non)technological innovation for local challenges, thus also identifying and boosting sustainable market and investment opportunities. The Demand-driven, problem-focused Action Groups shared knowledge between the identified stakeholders and networks at all scales to effectively identify and address vulnerabilities. The project made use of the extensive existing/ emerging communication channels and events (EU/African platforms, conferences, social media) to streamline Climate Change issues into water-related networks to raise awareness about their impacts and propose adaptation measures. Water and Climate Change research was re-enforced and valorised between Africa and Europe by providing a mix of forward-looking and bottom- up innovation and road mapping techniques. Demands, opportunities, and constraints at different levels were identified and strategic advice (short term demand-driven R&I outlook and long term R&I agenda) for improving Africa-EU collaboration was developed. The project aided policy makers to create a consistent approach to bilateral cooperation between Africa and the EU in the field of innovation for water and climate.
- Demand-driven Action Groups
- Identifying and matching social innovation and research needs
- Enhancing Knowledge Sharing and Technology Transfer
- Improving Monitoring and Forecasting of Water and Climate Challenges Dissemination and Outreach
Services provided by WE&B
WE&B was a work package coodinator, leading the process of designing and implenting 10 Action Groups (Communities of Practice) across the African continent providing the space to promote and implement enriched and strengthened coordination within Africa and between Africa. WE&B aslo developed a Stakeholder Map of the African and European entities working on water and climate. WE&B also undertook a Social Network Analysis of the 750 connected organisations to provide insight into who has the power, influence and netwokring ability amongst the connected Stakeholders. WE&B also lead the sustainability efforts of the project, designing and producing 3 Business Plans for the 3 main outcomes of the AfriAlliance project ((i) The AfriAlliance Online Platform; (ii) The Stakeholder Engagement Events and (iii) The AfriAlliance Action Groups).
Example of policy brief produced:
Example of Factsheets produced:
Social Network Analysis:
Project Partners
UNESCO- IHE; WATERNET; WRC; ICLEI_Africa; RIBO; AFWA; GWP; WASCAL; Both Ends; Akvo; 2IE; CSIR South Africa; OIEAU; Universiteit Twente; Water Europe