Stakeholders Engagement, Knowledge & Communications on Coastal Zone Management in West Africa (WACA West Africa)

  • 16 May, 2021
  • Project Focusclimate change
  • Sector(s)coastal zones


  • stakeholder engagement
  • factsheets
  • communication and citizen engagement


The main objective was to set up a process that lead to a community-based, local participation in policy communication, participatory awareness creation, targeted law enforcement and community level ownership of policy processes on coastal management.


Phase 1. Project Articulation: Literature review and analysis of ongoing related activities

Phase 2. Knowledge Generation

Communication and Awareness Action Plan (CAAP) Development:
The CAAP outlined the specific methods, tools and activities that were employed as part of the WACA program to increase its impact and achieve its objectives.

Guidance Notes /Factsheets
Factsheets on sustainable coastal management in West Africa will be customized to different target audiences (private operators, mayors, decision-makers, civil society organizations, etc. Case studies (6): Presentation of 3 national and 3 international case studies which will be communicated amongst the West African coastal zone management communities

Knowledge exchange workshop:
The case studies and knowledge information will be disseminated in the workshop

Services provided by WE&B

WE&B developed the Communication and Awareness Action Plan. Engaging with the identified stakeholders to obtain their inputs into the development of the CAAP. WE&B investigated and drew up 15 Factsheets focussed on the Private (industry), Public and Civil Society Sectors. Example of Factsheet produced:

Project Partners
