On the 2nd to the 4th of March 2016, the 16 partners of the AfriAlliance project met in Delft, UNESCO IHE, for the kick-off of this ambitious H2020 project that aims to prepare Africa for future climate change challenges by having African and European stakeholders work together.

WE&B is leading Work Package 1, where we will launch and manage the Action Groups where the bottom up work of this project will take place. We will also be mapping and engaging stakeholders through this process. AfriAlliance will support the existing networks in identifying appropriate social innovation and technological solutions for key water and climate change challenges.

Africa-EU cooperation will be taken to a practical level by sharing (non-)technological solutions for local challenges, thus also identifying and boosting sustainable market and investment opportunities. Demand-driven, problem-focused action groups will share knowledge between the identified stakeholders and networks at all levels to identify and address vulnerabilities effectively.

The consortium will make extensive use of existing/emerging communication channels and events (EU/African platforms, conferences and social media) to streamline climate change issues into water-related networks, thereby raising awareness about their impacts and propose adaptation measures.

Water and climate change research and social innovation (R&I) cooperation between Africa and Europe will be reinforced and valorised through a combination of forward-looking and bottom-up innovation and road mapping techniques. The consortium will also identify demands, opportunities, and constraints at different levels and develop strategic advice (short term demand-driven R&I outlook and long term R&I agenda) for improving Africa-EU collaboration. This will help policy makers to create a consistent approach to bilateral cooperation between Africa and the EU in the field of innovation for water and climate.


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