Monitoring System of Adaptation Measures in the water sector, analysis of Barriers and Financial Sustainability for its Implementation, Peru

  • 13 February, 2023
  • Project Focusclimate change
  • Sector(s)urban, rural, agriculture, coastal zones


  • stakeholder engagement
  • tools development
  • governance analysis
  • program evaluation


The overarching goal of this project is to contribute to the implementation of the roadmap of the monitoring and evaluation component of the Monitoring System of Adaptation and Mitigation Measures of Peru.

Within this context, the objectives are:

▪ The project outcome will be a monitoring system that allows to identify if the implementation of adaptation measures in the water sector follows the planned paths, as well as if the measures are effective and how they can be improved

This overall objective is to be met through two more specific objectives:

▪ Development of the design phase for the thematic area of water (15 adaptation measures) and the analysis of the sustainability of the development and implementation phases.

▪ Development of a monitoring system that allows to identify if the implementation of adaptation measures in the water sector follows the planned paths, as well as if the measures are effective and how they can be improved

This technical assistance also includes the identification of barriers to the implementation of the Adaptation Monitoring System, a financial sustainability analysis and the completion of a Concept Note for applying to climate funds to complete the implementation of the monitoring and evaluation component of adaptation measures.

In order to achieve these objectives, the study will build on grey and scientific literature and a range of publicly available data sources. These studies will be complemented by gathering new evidence from stakeholders.

Services provided by WE&B

WE&B has to implement the following tasks:

– Identification of stakeholder and their role in the data collection process and their link to the 15 identified indicators. Validate the information obtained throguh the snowballing process and undertake virtual meetings with staekholders in different working groups identified to understand existing information processes and platforms. 

– Elaboration of the co-designs of the operational models for Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) together with the client through workshops and deveopment and testing of a prototype for the M&E system with the sectoral focal points of the different Ministries of the Government of Peru involved.

Project Partners

Metroeconomica, Hidrika