The systematic assessment of a program’s implementation, effectiveness, and impact to inform improvements and accountability.
The process of involving and collaborating with stakeholders to ensure inclusive decision-making and sustained impact.
The purpose of the independent evaluation is to assess the outcomes of GGGIÕs Peru Country Program, covering program activities from 2013 to 2018, and to identify lessons to improve the effectiveness of current and future program activities in Peru and potentially elsewhere. A special focus was on the achievement of the desired outcomes of the program, and the identification of limiting and enabling factors for producing the expected results.
The target audience for this evaluation includes GGGIÕs Peru country team, as well as relevant units in GGGI HQ who manage policies and systems that influence country programming, operations and effectiveness.
WE&B undertook the following activities within this study:
¥ Definition of the methodologies and evaluation instruments for data collection
¥ The quantitative and qualitative (in field interviews) data collection.
¥ Review and analysis of data
¥ Elaboration of draft evaluation report
¥ Incorporation of feedback, elaboration of final report and presentation slides
¥ Assistance with the preparation of the presentation of the evaluation report to GGGI management/staff
¥ Assistance with the preparation of the presentation of evaluation report to the Evaluation Advisory Group
Final Document presented: 2019.pdf