Diagnostic Study on non-conventional water resources and definition of a Municipal Management Plan for non-conventional water resources (PGRENC Plan) in Gabes – Tunisia

  • 13 February, 2023
  • Project Focuswater management
  • Sector(s)urban, rural, agriculture, coastal zones


  • stakeholder engagement
  • factsheets
  • communication and citizen engagement
  • governance analysis
  • technology mapping


WE&B is undertaking a contract for MedCities to support the ValEUr-Gabes project in the developing actions that stem from the City Development Strategy (SDV) and to respond to the water deficit the city is facing. The water situation in the municipality of Gabes indicates that there is water availability of less than 500 m3/inhab/year, which places the area in a situation of absolute water shortage. With this water deficit the economic development of the area is greatly compromised. Therefore, the assignment will focus on the identification of the future development models of the municipality taking into account the development of water resources its uses in the face of the major climate and water challenges the municipality and greater area surrounding Gabes.

Services provided by WE&B

In this project WE&B is undertaking the following main tasks: 

1) To conduct a diagnostic study that considers all data available from multiple sources: The municipality, the water operator, public institutions at national level, prior project documentation and further sources that MedCities might suggest. The results would be validated and deepened through expert consultations and extended by a detailed stakeholder mapping.

2) To create a strategic framework of how non-conventional sources can be developed with input of the local stakeholders.

3) To elaborate the Action plan for the management of non-conventional water resources (NCWR Plan) under participation of the key stakeholders together with mechanisms for financing, monitoring and implementation

4) To take into account climate change mitigation and adaptation, as well as disaster risk reduction into the NCWR plan 

5) To validate all steps undertaken through the client and through an independent steering body of experts 

The work to be undertaken will culminate in the following results and outcomes:

1) A comprehensive overview of the state of urban water management in Gabes.

2) The inclusion of a wide range of stakeholders into the planning of the development of NCWR in Gabes.

3) A strengthened network of actors collaborating in the area

4) Various projects to reduce the water stress in the area with precise responsibilities and roadmaps.