Climate Change Awareness Programme For Policy Makers and Government Ministries (Climate Change Jamaica)

Grand Challenges

Climate Change


Rural, Urban




InterAmerican Development Bank (IDB)


May, 2025—
February, 2025
6 Months

WE&B Expertise

Policy Innovation

Main Framework(s)

Just Transition, Open Innovation

Value of the Contract

118.367,43Û (136.700 USD$)

Value of Services

10.000 $USD

Origin of Funding


Project Activities

Stakeholder Engagement

The process of involving and collaborating with stakeholders to ensure inclusive decision-making and sustained impact.

Tools Development

No description available.


No description available.

Objective & Description

In order to address the emerging challenges of climate change in Jamaica, adaptation is needed across all sectors of JamaicaÕs economy. However, the lack of awareness of the potential impacts of climate change as well as the measures to build climate resilience, and mechanisms in place to encourage adaptation measures impose a significant barrier to adaptation in the country. The Adaptation Programme and Financing Mechanism (AP&FM) for the Pilot Programme for Climate Resilience (PPCR) seeked to overcome those barriers through the Climate Change Awareness Programme for Policy Makers and Government Ministries.

The objective of the project was thus to increase awareness of the causes and impacts of climate change and to build capacity for climate change mainstreaming into development planning in Jamaica. The project identified the needs and gaps among the target audiences, evaluated the methods of training delivery and assessing the experiences from other countries in implementing climate change awareness programmes.

Using the outcome of the first proceedings, the consultants developed a communication strategy as well as innovative materials and tools for the target audiences and delivered 16 workshops to address the identified knowledge and training gaps and needs among the target audiences (i.e. government ministries, departments and agencies; policymakers, local councillors and municipal authorities and; civil society).

Services provided by WE&B

WE&B aided in the identification of the needs and gaps of Climate Change awareness amongst the policy makers and Government Ministries in Jamaica. WE&B lead the design and development of the communication strategy, the workshop design and the development of the innovative materials and tools for training the target audiences, including webinars and insitu training courses.

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