The process of designing measurable sustainability criteria to assess progress, impact, or effectiveness of policies, programs, or projects.
Concise, information-rich documents that summarise key data, findings, or messages specifically on environmental topics for quick reference.
The process of involving and collaborating with stakeholders to ensure inclusive decision-making and sustained impact.
The WAT’SAVEREUSE overall objective is to explain the benefits of water legislation and national initiatives to promote the circular economy in water consumption, particularly in the tourism industry, targeting both water savings and water reuse, with a special focus on the Mediterranean environment.
The Project will contribute to mitigating the identified environmental problem by conducting informed awareness raising campaigns addressing 4 target groups and defining better policies with a clear impact. In our case, action to achieve the objectives will be required primarily at national, regional and local level, creating common ownership of shared goals and objectives and ensuring a level playing field for businesses and public authorities.
To address the identified environmental problem, which is water scarcity and drought, it is critical raising awareness of all the Value Chain Tourism sector. Management responses to water scarcity can be categorized under two broad strategies: demand side management (reducing water consumption) and supply side management (increasing water provision) and the WAT’SAVEREUSE project will tackle both as detailed in the specific objectives.
Specific objectives of the WAT’SAVEREUSE Project are:
1) To reduce the overall water consumption of tourists during their stay in the hotels/resorts, etc. at least by 10%. Measure: liters consumed before and after the implementation of the communication campaigns.
2) To promote and raise awareness on water reuse among tourism industry stakeholders in order to explain the benefits of implementing the legislation/strategy on water reuse (offer side) and improve the perception of the tourists regarding reclaimed water at least on 9% (demand side). Measure: public consultation before and after the implementation of the communication campaigns.
3) To encourage the tourism industry to implement a minimum of 5 water reuse solutions. Measure: number of new water technologies adopted by tourism stakeholders.
4) To strengthen water governance through the collaboration between public administrations and value chain operators. Measure: number of MoUs, joint communication strategies, high level meetings and common policy briefs.
5) Reduce the overall consumption of freshwater (-demand, + offer) by 30%
WE&B conducted the Activity C2 of the project, the socio-economic impact assessment, that aimed to determine and quantify the social insights of WATSAVEREUSE and the social adaptation of the different actions proposed to the local communities.