Frameworks that outline how a business creates, delivers, and captures value, including revenue generation and cost structures that are aligned to environmental best practices.
Communities of Practice (CoPs) and Living Labs are collaborative spaces where stakeholders co-develop solutions through open innovation, knowledge-sharing and experimentation.
The process of involving and collaborating with stakeholders to ensure inclusive decision-making and sustained impact.
The identification and analysis of stakeholders and their relationships using Stakeholder Network Analysis (SNA) to optimise engagement and networking strategies.
REWAISE will create a new Òsmart water ecosystemÓ, integrating an intelligent digital framework for decentralized water services and decision making, involving all relevant stakeholders to embrace the true value of water, reducing freshwater and energy use, and recovering nutrients and materials Ð resulting in a carbon free, sustainable hydrological cycle, in line with the concept of a resilient circular economy.
REWAISE will extract the value in water promoting its efficient use and reuse, also recovering energy and materials embedded in raw and used water streams. This will be achieved by:
– Reducing freshwater consumption by more than a 30% by making available alternative water sources.
– Achieving a zero-carbon water cycle service and generating value form water nutrients and materials.
– Demonstrating innovative recovery of raw materials, minerals form water desalination and nutrients.
REWAISE will also generate value form water, boosting economic activities and service quality, and creating jobs and business around the water. To achieve so, REWAISW will:
– Engage the community in new economic models, creating recurrent activities and employment.
– Create new market niches and boosting business related to the new technologies.
– Develop a common digital framework to improve decision making by shared criteria.
The project will generate societal well-being and value through water. It will be accomplished by:
– Developing new governance models that favour policy and regulatory changes.
– Increasing sustainability, safety, security, and resilience of water systems, to recover from disruption.
– Demonstrating in 9 living labs across 3 European climate zones a carbon free smart water cycle
WE&B is leading Work Package 9 on Governance and Social Engagement strategies. As such WE&B forms part of the management board of the project. WE&B will assist with the creation of 9 Living Labs across Europe and will be directly responsible for analysing the societal context for the Living Labs and the Stakeholder Engagement Strategies. WE&B with the project partners will set-up a series of Competency Groups bringing together the ideas fostered within the living labs to a higher level. WE&B will also develop the governance strategies for water smart communities/Living Labs. WE&B together with the European Network of Living Labs is establishing methodology for setting up water living labs that includes their Evaluation and Optimisation as well as their Social Return on Investment. WE&B will also undertake the following activities within in the project:
¥ New Business Models, Alternative Funding for Market Uptake and Dissemination of water technology solutions.
¥ Analysis of KPIs, LCCA and Risk Assessment (ETV)
¥ Coordination, Management & Communication of the project.