Reduction of Energy Consumption in Wastewater Treatment Plants (BRAINYMEM)

Grand Challenges

Wise Water Management






Private Sector


October, 2025—
October, 2025
3 Months

WE&B Expertise

Ecological Business Innovation

Main Framework(s)

Circular Economy

Value of the Contract

1.905.551,42Û(2.000.829 USD$)

Value of Services

10.200 $USD

Origin of Funding


Project Activities

Cost-Benefit Analysis

A systematic approach to evaluating the financial, social, and environmental costs and benefits of a project or policy.

Tariff Structures

Pricing frameworks that define the costs and conditions for services, such as water, while balancing affordability and sustainability.

Technology Mapping

The identification and analysis of existing and emerging technologies to assess their applicability and potential impact in a given sector (i.e. water).

Objective & Description

The LIFE-BRAINYMEM project was supported and financed by the European Commission, within the LIFE program. Its main objective was to reduce energy consumption in wastewater treatment plants and to minimize their environmental impact. Membrane Bioreactors (MBRs) with advanced control for water regeneration were introduced. The sub-objectives were to:
– minimize risks with proactive mitigation of wastewater;
– to implement new business models;
– promote social and organizational innovation and include the perspective of the end user (fertilizer companies and farmers) to achieve a real use of the products obtained.

The project was replicated in any other wastewater treatment plants.

Services provided by WE&B

WE&B were contracted to undertake the following studies:
¥ Cost-benefit analysis of the innovative MBR technology for the market
¥ Analysis of the environmental impact of the technology
¥ The social impact that the implementation of this technology had on the local population
¥ Analysis of the potential institutional impact of the technology

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