The process of involving and collaborating with stakeholders to ensure inclusive decision-making and sustained impact.
The identification and analysis of existing and emerging technologies to assess their applicability and potential impact in a given sector (i.e. water).
The major objective of this assignment was to apply the GGPA to Nepal to support the government in carrying out a gap analysis as a preliminary step toward the formulation of the NGGS. This is envisaged to generate value-added information that could provide clear structure and inputs in designing the NGGS. The GGPA, as an invaluable input to the NGGS, will set the stage for understanding NepalÕs green growth context specifically its key challenges, opportunities, priorities, and potential interventions. The findings of the assessment will be useful for the GoP in setting the goals and developing concrete strategies and plans in making the transition toward green growth.
WE&B conducted an extensive desktop research covering a situation analysis in the context of green growth for achieving sustainable development in Nepal using a preselected set of indicators under the GGPA framework. WE&B validated the results of the desk research through a stakeholder consultation followed by the identification of priority issue-sector pairs based on the Delphi method – a structured process for collecting and distilling knowledge from a group of experts through a series of questionnaires. WE&B also carried out rapid analysis of priority sectors based on desk research and drafted key recommendations for future green growth interventions based on the stakeholder consultation