The identification and analysis of existing and emerging technologies to assess their applicability and potential impact in a given sector (i.e. water).
The Low Carbon Business Action consisted of two interlinked phases combining concrete technology cooperation activities with more strategic long-term cooperation to facilitate the development of low emission industries in Mexico through cooperation with European SMEs, notably through clusters, on joint projects
The Main Objective:
The objective was to contribute to the limitation and/or reduction or industrial GHG emissions in Mexico. This was achieved through:
Facilitating the adoption of low emission technology by existing industry: Enabling and supporting industries to adopt low emission technology, which mainly implies the transformation of industrial energy systems towards greater sustainability through energy efficiency and by expanding renewable energy sources.
Fostering the creation of low emission technology industries in Mexico: Establishing and expanding emerging industries that can deliver low emission technologies and solutions. This includes the technology itself as well as the provision of environmental and energy consulting and services, e.g. for monitoring, measuring and analysis services.
Promoting the internationalisation of EU SMEs: Facilitating industrial cooperation between low emission solution providers from the EU and industrial partners from Mexico, resulting in long-term cooperation between clusters and their member SMEs, research centers, science parks and incubation centers, etc. in the field of low emission technologies and related services.
Mapping of existing low emission initiatives in the wastewater industry in Mexico to identify technology needs and gaps in order to avoid duplication of ongoing efforts.
Site visits to conduct semi-structured interviews regarding wastewater treatment technologies in industry and urban wastewater treatment.
Identification and the mobilisation of potential, interested partners in Mexico and Europe in the wastewater sector resulting in Declarations of Interest in cooperation.
Organisation of matchmaking activities, including screening of candidates, virtual online matchmaking sessions and matchmaking missions in Mexico, resulting in formalised Cooperation Partnership agreements.