Frameworks that outline how a business creates, delivers, and captures value, including revenue generation and cost structures that are aligned to environmental best practices.
Communities of Practice (CoPs) and Living Labs are collaborative spaces where stakeholders co-develop solutions through open innovation, knowledge-sharing and experimentation.
The process of involving and collaborating with stakeholders to ensure inclusive decision-making and sustained impact.
The identification and analysis of stakeholders and their relationships using Stakeholder Network Analysis (SNA) to optimise engagement and networking strategies.
The identification and analysis of existing and emerging technologies to assess their applicability and potential impact in a given sector (i.e. water).
The main objective of NUTRI-KNOW is to broaden EIP-AGRI Operational Group (OG) outcomes on the thematic of nutrient management across borders to modernise and dynamise the agricultural sector by collecting, translating and sharing easy-to understand and practice-oriented knowledge. NUTRI-KNOW will assure the appropriate adoption of the OGs results and experience by farmers, practitioners and other relevant end-users. To reach this ambitious goal, NUTRI-KNOW is built considering 12 EIP-AGRI OGs from 4 Member States (Spain, Italy, Belgium and Ireland). The engaged projects cover the whole value chain of nutrient management (livestock farming, storage systems, processing technologies, fertiliser production, transport and application). NUTRI-KNOW methodology is divided in 5 different steps:
(1) Data collection and analysis of all the outcomes of the engaged OGs, (2) Multi-approach analysis to establish a solid baseline of the current situation (policies, farming practices, needs and challenges), (3) Consolidation and translation of the knowledge in a language that can be easy to understand for farmers and practitioners, (4) Delivery and transfer of the practice-oriented material created in the communication channels most consulted by farmers and (5) Interconnection of actors and territories with the creation of a Community of Practice. Finally, with all the knowledge gained during NUTRI-KNOW execution, the project will develop a Results Amplification Methodology that will serve as a guideline to upscale and broaden project outcomes effectively in any thematic of interest.
WE&B is leading Work Package 2 on Co-creation process to align EIP-AGRI OGs outcomes with stakeholdersÕ challenges and needs.
This WP aims to explore how the engaged OGs are aligned with current EU policies (top-down approach) and the challenges and needs of the farmers and the sector (bottom-up approach). WE&B will analyse the connections among actors involved in the OGs and relevant stakeholders/networks in the field of nutrient management, as well as the work already done in this field to avoid duplications.
The specific objectives are:
(i) Detect the alignment of OGs results with current market and legislative situation;
(ii) Identify the target-audience and the urgent needs, challenges and opportunities of the sector;
(iii) Adapt the knowledge gathered to the current territorial needs by developing a thematic-analysis methodology; and
(iv) Avoid duplication with ongoing or completed projects and networks.