Sustainable and Low Energy Wastewater Treatment for Warm Climates (LIFE CELCIUS)
Acciona AguaDates
Start DateOctober, 2019
Finish DateDecember, 2019
12.000€ (14.666 $USD)
Value of the services provided by WE&B
14.666 $USD
Project logo

Project website
- stakeholder engagement
- cost-benefit analysis
- governance analysis
The main objective of the CELSIUS project is to develop and demonstrate a wastewater treatment system for warm climate areas characterized by low energy consumption. The system proposed is the result of the combination of two innovative treatment processes: Anaerobic Membrane Bioreactor (AnMBR) and Partial Nitrification/Anammox Treatment. The first targets organic matter removal while the second focuses on nitrogen elimination.
To fulfill this objective, the following specific objectives were taken into account:
1. To reduce the energy consumption of organic matter removal through the optimization of a mainstream anaerobic MBR. Compared to the conventional treatment processes, this process is expected to reduce 60% of the energy consumption for the organic matter removal.
2. To reduce the energy consumption of nitrogen removal through the development of advanced control schemes and appropriate operational strategies for the partial nitrification/anammox process.
3. To eliminate the pollution in terms of organic matter and nitrogen from the incoming wastewater.
4. To evaluate the feasibility for full-scale application of the optimized system in warm-climate areas such as South America, India, Africa and in European countries in the Mediterranean basin (Spain, Portual, Italy and Greece).
5. To transfer the acquired knowledge to stakeholders by means of specific education and dissemination strategies and platforms as well as recommendations to policy makers
Services provided by WE&B
“WE&B was contracted to Acciona Agua to assist them in the following aspects of the project:
– To provide a cost-benefit analysis of the technology and the process optimization tested in the Life CELSIUS project
– The socio-economic impact of the project
– Tto undertake research, analysis and to prepare the final reports to present the findings of a cost-benefit analysis and a socio-economic analysis of the impact of LIFE CELSIUS project. “